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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Wombat's room

This is the real color. Note the special light switch cover. Posted by Picasa

Kermit's room

The room isn't quite as green as it looks. This is looking through wombat's door at the window. Posted by Picasa


From inside my workroom looking into the family room Posted by Picasa

Peace at last

Need I say more? Posted by Picasa


Another shot Posted by Picasa

Guest room

Closet and window in guest room. Posted by Picasa


Guest room entry on the left, bathroom on the right. You can see the vanity and shower door in the bathroom - mirror still needs to be put up in the bathroom. Posted by Picasa


Looking back towards the west. Tallie is on her way into the guest bedroom. Posted by Picasa


Wow. The same angle I've taken many times before, but decidedly more livable. We are blown away at how homey it feels down there now. Posted by Picasa


Looking north from the entrance to the family room, past the stairway on the right directly at the door to the sump pump. Posted by Picasa


You-know-who taking her trip up the stairs towards Wombat's room (which is on the left at the top of the stairs - kitch is to the right). Posted by Picasa

almost done!

The south wall of the house with new windows, new casing & trim, and siding put back on. Posted by Picasa

almost done!

The new exterior entrance to the basement with door casing. Mike will be painting this door late this week/early next. Note the motion light and exterior plugs on the left of the door. 'Cause I'm sure I'll need to plug something in, right? Posted by Picasa

almost done!

So we slacked for a week or so and Mike went to work. This is our upstairs bedroom, fully carpeted by Dave the carpet man (or as Mike calls him, the Chicago Mafia). This carpet was more than we could afford, but well worth it now that it's in. Posted by Picasa

the home stretch

Tiled corner of the workroom beneath the stairs - great storage. Posted by Picasa

The home stretch

Mad Dog tiling the workroom. He and Edgar have their system down to a science. Posted by Picasa