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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

PB - bathroom

Heidi and I decided that a blue shower would be a good look for the basement.

Just kidding.

This is a temporary coat that is painted on the shower (pretty much like a latex condom) that keeps it from being damaged by people stepping in/around it - sheetrockers, etc.

Looking directly through to the wall in the bathroom is the plumbing for the sink; just to the right of the sink is where the toilet will be.

More to come. Sheetrockers are supposed to be in on Tuesday 3/15. Posted by Picasa

PB - more ductwork

This looking at the duct/trunk running down the north side of the family room. Remember that this used to run only about halfway down the length of the room, so Mad Dog has extended things significantly. Posted by Picasa

PB - ductwork

Cold-air return duct framed in in my workroom. You can see the outlets at torso height to facilitate workbench and power tools. Thanks again for the saw, dad! Posted by Picasa

PB - sconce

The ductwork (running along the top left of the photo) is going to be framed in, but it's in a bit of an awkward place lighting-wise. Not good for another row of can lights, so Mad Dog suggested a couple wall sconces, which will do good things for the room. It'll be perfect for keeping the room just dimly lit. Posted by Picasa

PB - stairs

So I get excited about stairs. Sue me. Or better, yet, add it to my ever-growing Mad Dog tab. Posted by Picasa

PB - baby's room

An updated view of wombat's room, this is where the closet used to be. The door to his room is now framed; should be completely finished incl carpet by end of March. Posted by Picasa

PB - stairs!

A thing of beauty if you ask me. No more smacking your head, no more darkness in the stairwell, no more steep declines. These stairs are SOLID. Posted by Picasa

PB - window 1

The first of four windows, this one on the southwest side of the house in the family room. There will be about a 12" sill, which will be great. It's amazing how much larger these windows are that their predecessors. Posted by Picasa

PB - workroom & family room

Taken standing in my workroom looking west through the family room. Note the ductwork (trunk) has been extended. Heat ducts extend off into two ceiling registers in the family room, one in the work room, two in the guest room, one in the bathroom, and one in the laundry room.

We're probably going to need to increase the RPMs of our existing furnace blower to make sure that we get enough heat upstairs. :-) Posted by Picasa

PB - laundry room

Same angle as the shot 4 pics ago. Stairs are done, laundry room door is framed. I'm planning on putting cabinets along the wall on the left side of the photo. Posted by Picasa

PB - Family room

Big picture. Note the ductwork - which is the old stuff. In subsequent photos you'll notice a change. Posted by Picasa

PB - Guest room

Taken looking northwest. Closet has been framed. We're planning on putting a window seat next to the closet with built-in storage. Posted by Picasa

Project Basement

Just a different angle on the stairs. You can see the switches for the family room on the left along with a fixture for one of two wall sconces. More on those later... Posted by Picasa

Project Basement

Very, very cool. Taken standing in the laundry room looking at the base of the totally new stairs. Mad Dog added 2 new treads and the stairs themselves went from 9+ inch rise to less than 7.5. It makes a HUGE difference. Posted by Picasa

Project Basement

Taken from the entry to my workroom (SE corner) looking west. You can see the can lights are up. They're actually on two separate switches - one that controls the west 4, and one that controls the east 3. So if wombat wants to play quietly and constructively on the east side of the family room while his father peacefully watches the football game, the boy can have light while the father enjoys the dimly sit section.

See, blogs can be sarcastic, too. :-) Posted by Picasa

Project Basement - Updates!

Been a long time - sorry about that. Lots to report. This shot is taken with my back to the kitchen (main floor) and the stairs to the basement on my left. I'm looking along the east wall of what was previously the computer room. You can see that the raised 'closet' (if you can call it that) is gone and what remains to be demolished is the 'raised' part of the floor. Posted by Picasa