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Saturday, February 04, 2006

Project Basement - concrete cont'd

This is a challenging shot to explain. This is taken with the camera sticking out the back door to the outside. The plywood is leaning at a 65 or 70 degree angle against the back of the house, protecting the new concrete steps from getting wet. The concrete you can see in the photo is the top of the stairs and the first actual stair. The wood on the bottom-right of the photo is plywood covering the remaining stairs and actually is more for security than anything else - making it so no one can slip into the basement from the outside.

Mike and Edgar will be back on Monday to remove all the forms, which will be cool. Our new windows also arrived and are leaning up against the back of the house. There are 6: 4 for downstairs and 2 on the main floor for our bedroom and wombat's room. Not sure when those'll be installed.

After Monday, Mad Dog Remodeling will take a week-long break to allow the concrete to set. They'll be back on Monday 2/13 to get the house jacked up & level, and then we'll be back to the races. Posted by Picasa


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