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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Project Basement - Week 3

Yesterday and today were spent cutting concrete and framing in the forms for the concrete that'll be poured this Friday. Yesterday Mike went through two tanks of gas on the 2-cycle concrete saw, so needless to say, Heidi and I came home to a house that smelled the part. It's really an interesting scent. :-P

In any case, the picture here is facing the back door. As you can see, Mike has cut down to the slab - that dark stuff below the door is dirt. At the end of the project, the door will be level with the ground & there will be steps from the outside that bring you down level with the foundation. They'll be tying in a drain from the base of the new concrete steps outside with the drain inside the house which ends conveniently just a foot to the right of the door - literally perfect.

I believe Mike will take care of the outside digging and framing in the steps tomorrow and/or Thursday, as well as the remaining walls inside. Posted by Picasa


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