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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Basement - Wk 2 cont'd

This photo is taken with my back to the doorway leading upstairs. Previously, the drainage from the sink & dishwasher ran all the way across the downstairs (Steve even painted the PVC piping in his old room down here). Now, they've tied it into the main sewer line (see hole in the floor on the south side of the house.

By the way, the electrical rat's nest there is supposed to be there. Eric & his crew finished most of their work upstairs - installing smoke alarms and rewiring & replacing many of the outlets. There are a good number of new holes punched throughout the main floor & upstairs - one in our bedroom, big one in the hallway, and one at the top of the stairs, not to mention a number of empty holes where junction boxes used to be, but those'll be taken care of in due time. Anyway, the 'sparkies' will be back once the framing is done. Posted by Picasa


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