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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Project Basement - Day 3

So I got home today and this was the view leading to my basement. Just above my head to the right side and immediately above my head are two 12" holes in the Sheetrock where electrician Eric and his co-worker Tim began the challenging (to me) task of wiring the house for linked smoke detectors. We're going to have detectors in every room in the house, including the stairwell to the upstairs and the upstairs itself. Since they'll all be part of the same system, if one goes off, they'll all go off, which the insurance company should like. The hole in the wall in the picture was cut so Eric could access some of the wiring that Mike needs cleared out. Tallie the cat immediately jumped from the stairs into the hole. She's at the bottom of the picture. Posted by Picasa


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